UCSI SEE Conference 2015

Gapture CEO as Keynote Speaker in UCSI University SEE Conference 2015

Last week our CEO, Stanley Chee shared his experiences in a conference held at UCSI University and covered the 5 myths about entrepreneurship. Here is a quick recap:

Myth #1 - I Will Have Flexible Time

Stanley talked about the struggles he had being a co-founder of OffGamers - an online store for gamers worldwide

Myth #2 - I Will Be Super Rich

Most of the profits he earned went back into his company

Myth #3 - I Just Need To Hire The Jobs That I Don't Like

He shared the challenges he faced when he first started the digital marketing agency - Gapture

Myth #4 - I am the BOSS

He explained who is actually the boss in the entrepreneurial world

Myth #5 - There is a Destination Called SUCCESS

Myth 5

The difficulties faced when trying to succeed.

Full presentation notes can be found in Stanley's personal blog, here.

Below are some photos of the actual event:

Stanley giving his presentation

Stanley giving his presentation

Stanley with some of the attendees and USCI University students

Stanley with some of the attendees and USCI University students

Stanley receiving his certificate of appreciation for being a keynote speaker at the conference

Stanley receiving his certificate of appreciation for being a keynote speaker at the conference